Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 3rd July 2022

Luke 10:1–12, 17–20

After this the Lord appointed seventy others and sent them on ahead of him in pairs to every town and place where he himself intended to go. The seventy returned with joy, saying, "Lord, in your name even the demons submit to us!" He said to them, "I watched Satan fall from heaven like a flash of lightning. See, I have given you authority to tread on snakes and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy; and nothing will hurt you. Nevertheless, do not rejoice at this, that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven."


In chapter 9 verses 1 to 6, Luke described Christ sending the twelve apostles on a mission to preach his gospel in the towns and villages of Galilee. Besides, the twelve apostles, he had many followers who went with him. Among these, the seventy-two, mentioned her, seem to be a somewhat select group. They have learned more of his teaching, perhaps, than others. Therefore, he sends them out to preach and to prepare the way for his coming to the various towns and villages. The instructions which he give them as to their behavior, is similar to that given to the apostles.

We should note that the number of the apostles was restricted to twelve, possibly to signify that they were the leaders of the new twelve Tribes of Israel. The seventy-two or seventy may represent the seventy elders chosen by Moses to be his helpers in governing the people. This he did at God’s command (Numbers 11:16).

God’s ways of dealing with us mortals are amazing when we think over them. He calls on men to help him bring themselves and their fellowmen to heaven, when he could do this far more effectively himself with any help from man.

The Son of God when he was on earth, could have worked some extraordinary signs or miracles which would have made the whole Roman Empire, as well as the Jews, sit up and take notice. He could have stayed longer on earth, and could have preached his gospel in Greece and Rome. He could have converted the leading lights in the empire, and this have made the spread of his gospel so much easier and quicker.

Instead, he chose weak, human creatures who spent years doing work which could have done in a month or less. Today’s gospel is an example of this method. One half-hour of Christ in the towns and villages, in which these seventy-two disciples spent some weeks, would have been far more efficacious.

He could have brought those people to his feet by one word of command. Yet, he still depends on mere humans to bring the good news of his gospel to their fellowmen, and to bring these fellowmen to heaven. Instead of this slow and often unsuccessful method, he himself could have appeared for a short period over each country in the world and addressed the people. He could have proved to them by a startling miracle or two that it was he. He could have made it clear that unless human beings carried out his commands for the rest of their lives he had power to see to it that the remainder of the life of those who disobeyed would be very brief indeed.

Yes, God and Christ, who is God’s divine Son, could do all the things suggested. God’s ways are not our ways. Thank God for that too. He could, without the slightest difficulty, force all men to accept his gospel and live according to it. Men have done harder things when a powerful fellowman was standing over them. What would they not do if their Creator and Lord was standing menacingly over them?

The fact, of course, that God wants no forced labourer in heaven. He wants free citizens, who have elected to go there of their own free will. Nor would those men, forced to live the gospel through fear of the all-powerful master, earn heaven by this kind of obedience. It is because God wants all men in heaven that he leaves each one absolutely free to choose the path that leads there. Only thus can men enjoy heaven.

He has marked that path clearly and vividly for all who wish to see. He has placed marked human guides (his pastors) along the way to help the weak and warn travelers of possible wrong turnings.

In other words, he has dealt with us humans in a very human way. He acts, even with his prodigal sons, as a loving father, ever ready to help them as he would help those who remain at home near him. He is almost readier still to welcome back the spendthrifts and wastrels, and lay on a home-coming party for them.

Plaintively, rather than authoritatively, he tells us all in today’s lesson that he needs more helpers to help their fellowmen. This is not only a loving call to the priesthood and the religious life. It is a call to all true Christians. He needs guides on the long road to heaven. The layman or laywoman who is traveling that road can be, and is, as good a guide as the priest or religious. This call from the loving heart of Christ is intended today as much for them as for priests and religious. Up to now, how much have I done to help Christ bring men to heaven? No one can get to heaven unless he loves God. No one can love God unless he loves his neighbour. No one can love his neighbour, and look on without concern while that neighbour is wandering miles from the road which Christ has marked out as the road to heaven. If I am a true Christian, I am thereby a disciple also. I am called on today to do the work of a disciple. Amen.